T & C

  • Health and Welfare

    When entering the salon, your dogs health, welfare and happiness is our main priority. A dog will be groomed within the tolerance of the grooming procedure. If your dog displays fear, aggression and becomes uncomfortable, we, Yappy Pups, reserves the right to end the appointment, or offer a grooming - reset [which will incur further charges]. Significantly, if we recognise anything that you may have not picked up on, we will inform you immediately. Furthermore, very rarely, accidents can happen, thus if we can not contact you immediately, during the groom, we will contact your emergency veterinary practice,[details disclosed on client information & declaration form]. Please note: if the groom is abandoned, the full cost of the groom is still due.

  • Coat Conditions

    Ticks and Fleas

    If you think your dog has fleas, or we notice them on your dog, a minimum cost, from £5, will be charged to cover the costs of deep cleaning and sterilisation in the salon. Furthermore, if we find ticks on your dog, £5 per tick removal, will be charged towards grooming. [Fleas and ticks are not welcome in the salon, please make sure to keep on top of preventatives and treatments].

    Neglected and Matted Coats

    If your dogs coat is matted and requires a very short clip as a result, we, Yappy Pups, are covered from any liability of the post grooming effects. [Details of this agreement are signed on the disclaimer form].

  • General Standards

    Regular grooming is essential, if your dog may require extra time, they will occur extra charges.

    We will not groom any dogs that are pregnant, under and circumstances. If you think that your dog may be pregnant, please inform us as soon as possible.

    If your dog has just come into season, please contact us immediately, to rearrange their appointment.

  • Pricing

    Our prices are listed as starting from, this is for dogs who are well socialised to the grooming process and visit regularly, according to the timescale advised. Ear and eye cleaning is included in the price of all grooming and nail clipping is considered as an individual service which can be added at a small cost.

    The dogs coat must be well maintained and brushed down to the skin, in between grooms. You can expect to pay more if your dog is in any of the following: matted, poorly maintained, difficult to manage, overweight or larger then breed standard.

    Please note: quotes will be given initially, when requested during booking, but this can change then the dog is assessed in person and during their groom.

  • No Show Policy

    If you fail to turn up for an appointment more then twice, we, Yappy Pups reserve the right to end your custom with us.

  • Punctuality

    Prior to your visit, please make sure you have walked and toileted your dog.

    Please arrive for your appointments on time, if you are running late, let us know as soon as possible. We will give you a time frame for collection, please adhere to this, as we have limited space. Likewise, if we are running behind schedule we will let you know as soon as we possibly can.

  • Groom Feedback

    We will give you feedback after each groom, describing what maintenance we have done and anything to recommend for coat care, between grooms.

  • Photographs

    Within compliance to the UK General Data Protection Registrations, [GDPR UK], we, Yappy Pups, reserve the right to use photography, videography and share on all social platforms. If you would prefer your dog to not be photographed or videoed, please let us know.

  • Anal Glands / Teeth Cleaning

    Anal gland expression and teeth cleaning are something we associate with being a ‘veterinary procedure’, and do not carry out these services in the salon.

  • Aggression / Dangerous Dog Act

    Yappy Pups, reserve the right to refuse to groom any dog that displays signs of any type of aggression and is at risk of injuring itself or a member of staff. If we have not been informed that a dog displays aggression and bites, the groom will be terminated immediately. You will be asked to collect the dog and the full price of the groom will be charged on collection. Please note: if you fail to disclose any of this information, this will result in refusal of any services in the future.

  • Payment Methods

    We accept payment via cash, card and BACS.

  • Enquiries

    If you are unsure of what tools to use and how to use them, please ask us and we will advise you accordingly.